Tell us about your early days in photography. Where did it all begin?
My Photography days started in college, where My friend brought a camera and decided we could both use it, having the settings on auto we just used to stop random people we thought dressed cool and would take their picture and post it on our Blogspot,which we got alot of traction from, but then life got in the way and we stopped alot of our creative outlets to focus more on adult life, fast forward 5 years just before the pandemic. I invested in my own camera and started taking photography seriously and teaching myself the fundamentals of it. Understanding I needed something creative to keep me sane, taking pictures are frozen memories and everybody needs to remember their memories.
How would you define your style?
I would define My style as Jekyll and Hyde, as I switch up my photography a lot, it's always good to have a defined style but mine is that it's not defined! It's whatever it is, depending on the model, outfit, concept, and final picture. As I hope to fit into many categories and show the vast style my work has to offer.
You're a self taught photographer. What did you do to teach yourself photography?
A lot of Research, a lot of networking, not being shy with asking people about my camera and better ways to use it, I read a few photography books and also Youtube which is the Modern-day era free university, i also did a few lighting courses to understand the foundation of studio lighting.
Do you have a favourite shoot to date you can tell us about?
Yes, My shoot with my Muse Martyna, it was just 8 hours of Studio, A suitcase full of clothes and accessories and both of our imaginations, as two creatives we just freestyled the whole shoot and the pictures came out Mind-blowing, not knowing much about getting your Photos published online, I submitted every photo and they all got accepted, which instilled amazing confidence in us to know that sometimes it's not about having big team on board sometimes you can execute the best shoots with just a model photographer and some great ideas and chemistry.
Please tell us more about the concept behind the images in this set you have featured with TYG.
With the new Marilyn Monroe film coming to Netflix, I wanted to put my twist on it. so it has a Hollywood Glamour Vibe mixed in with a bit of 60's pin up.
What is it about the studio that you love so much?
I love working with the lights and shadows and how the little change into your lighting can transform a photo and make it completely different. the different color backdrops and props you can add in, i also think that studio photography just makes your pictures look so clean, sharp and professional.
It's also a very comfortable space to shoot, you don’t have to worry about the weather or people staring at you.
What's your go to equipment?
I have a Canon 250D (Beginners Camera) with a 24-70MM 1.2 lenses also though I still love my 50mm
How do you like to work on set? Do you prefer to give much direction to the models/team?
I prefer directing the models at all times, I'm the eyes and ears of all my shoots, I also make sure that I know exactly how my model can pose and make sure they are always comfortable with what I ask, when it comes to the rest of the team, i make sure i choose people that have passion within that field and let them be creative and free
How do you plan for a shoot?
I start off with an inspired thought it can be anytime during the day or night and then I manifest that into a moodboard and then scout the appropriate model, MUA and stylist. Pitch my idea and then start to make the right moves to bring it to life
Who are some of your favourite other photographers (past or present)?
My Favourite photographers are not famous, they are all photographers I have discovered online all over the world. Way too many to name, but I do find myself very influenced by alot of Russian and European photographers.
View Morgan’s Instagram here: